
cotton thread 棉線。

cotton tree

Usage and feature : clap many selected layers of sisal hemp cloth , made from pure spiral cotton thread , treated with resin dipping and make the body hardy and the cutting more powerful , more endurant , suited for stainless steel and disware grind 用途與特征:選用多層劍麻布交叉疊放,再用純棉線螺旋車制而成,再用樹脂浸漬處理,使輪身堅硬,更具切削力,耐磨,適合于不銹鋼、餐具研磨。

The tea - bag packing machine model sd - dpc - 6 have general functions such as automatic ration filling , heat - sealing of tea bag , automatic plastering cotton thread and tag , envelope is cold - sealed by tow - side in longitudinal direction 6型包裝機外袋采取冷壓縱封方式壓封兩邊,具有定量給料、熱封內袋、自動粘貼標簽和棉線的功能。

Line of pure dacron specializing in various kinds of specifications 、 the whole cotton thread , nylon line , polyamide fibre line 專業生產各種規格的純滌綸線、全棉線、尼龍線、錦綸線。

Cotton thread for aerospace purposes 航天航空用棉線

The old lady has spun yards of cloth from cotton thread 老太太已用棉線織出了好幾碼布了。

The cell then dies, collapses, and flattens to give the fiber used in the manufacture of cotton threads and cloths . 然后細胞死去,干縮變扁,形成可用來制造棉線和布料的纖維。